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Elsa Quiró is an artisan of the Wounaan ethnic group in Panama and the artistic value of her products surpasses all geographical barriers. You will be live with Elsa, who will share with you techniques, processes and even the approach to the designs.


One of the best known artisans in Campo Laurel will show you her exclusive handicrafts. Campo Laurel is part of the Wounaan indigenous community, one of Panama's ethnic groups. Her handicrafts are found in museums and sold around the world for their artistic value.
From the organic use of their materials, the pigmentation techniques to achieve their colors to the mental design implemented in each of their works. Ask her all the questions you can think of and enjoy this great artist!


Contact us if you have questions before purchasing at or using the chat window.

The Wounaan Artisan Hands

  • 100€  (≃ $113)

    Up to 5 devices

    Language: Spanish


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